Everdina Fuli

Relevant Qualifications

PhD  Candidate : University of Canterbury, NZ 

N.C.A.L.N. E. : National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education, Manukau Institute of Technology 

M.Ed : Faculty of Education, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ 

BA : Māori Studies and Education, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ 

N.Z.T.T.C. : NZ Teachers Trained Certificate (Registration), Teaching Council of Aotearoa, NZ

Iwi Affiliations

Everdina is of Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Whakatōhea, Ngā Puhi and Tokelau, Tuvalu and Cooks Islands. She is a fluent speaker of Te Reo Māori, Tokelau, and English.


For 20+ years she has built a solid background in advancing Māori and Indigenous Leadership/Communities in Aotearoa, New Zealand and abroad. Her work entails the nexus between community leadership, education, and research.

Everdina’s work is about sustaining Māori and Indigenous collectives by means of allowing them to chart their destiny whilst maintaining their values in the contemporary world. This has resulted in Everdina publishing in Māori and Pacific Education; Treaty of Waitangi; Māori Development and Employment; Māori and Pacific Health; Mana Wahine; Te Reo Māori me ōnā Tikanga; Prevention of Pacific Family Violence; and Māori economic development. Everdina has also held governance positions in the health, economic, and community sectors, and roles in senior research management and funding. She also worked as a senior academic in universities in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Everdina played a pivotal role in bringing external research funds to the University of Auckland. In 2014 the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) of the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the United States awarded Te Whare Kura, University of Auckland, the University of Washington (Seattle) and the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa a five year T37 training grant, titled the “Mahina Project: International Indigenous Health Research Training Program.” This is a prestigious international award. Also, Everdina has worked in universities in Montreal, Vancouver, and Vancouver Island, Canada; Shenzhen, China; Durban, Pretoria, and Johannesburg, South Africa; California, Los Angeles; Washington, Seattle; O’ahu, Hawai’i, Nadi and Suva, Fiji; Funafuti, Tuvalu; and Sydney, Australia. Everdina continues to collaborate voluntarily with Māori and Pacific peoples in Aotearoa at the community level.

Key Contributions

Conference Proceedings 

  • Brown, D., Anae, M., Royal, T.K.C. and Fuli, E. 2012 organising committee for the conference proceedings for “Indigenising Knowledge for Current and Future Generations, Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga and Te Whare Kura, University of Auckland. 


  • Fuli, E. 2016. Review and Change Management of Māori and Pacific Providers of Cessation Programmes. Ministry of Health. 

  • Fuli, E. et al. 2013. Review Report to Government on the Family Violence Sector in New Zealand. Honourable Tariana Turia and Cabinet. 

  • Fuli, E. 2016. Procurement Guidelines for Māori and Pacific Cessation Programme. Ministry of Health. 

  • Fuli, E. 2014. Te Kāiga Māopoopo, A Tokelau Intervention and Prevention Training Programme to Address Family Violence for Practitioners, Providers and Community Leaders, The Project. 

Conference Presentations 

  • Fa’amatuainu P. and Fuli, E. 2014. “Ngā Vaka o Kāiga Tapu Navigating the Waters: A Government Co-ordinated Approach informed by Pacific Community Leadership to Prevent Family Violence” presented at The International Pacific Health Conference in Auckland, Health Research Council of New Zealand.  

  • Fuli, E. 2014. “Aspirational Speech”, Tokelau Youth Conference, Auckland. 

  • Fuli, E. 2014. “Cathedral Thinkers: Alaga Kupu Transforming Knowledge for Tokelau Wellbeing”, Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga International Research Conference, University of Auckland. https://mediacentre.maramatanga.ac.nz/system/files/NPM%20IIDRC%202014%20Handbook.pdf 

  • Fuli, E. 2014. “Kāiga Māopoopo: Tokelau Conceptual Framework and Research Plan Presentation”, Tokelau Day, Pataka Museum, Porirua. 

  • Fuli, E. 2014. “The Treaty of Waitangi and Tokelau People”, Te Kāiga Māopoopo Presentation to Tokelau Leaders, Matauala Hall, Porirua. 

Popular Press 


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