Te Manawahoukura Centre of Rangahau champions Indigenous-led interdisciplinary Rangahau. At the heart of our Centre is the transformation of whānau, hapū, iwi, and Indigenous Peoples.
Our Rangahau is underpinned by Te Kaupapa Matua o Te Wānanga o Aotearoa with our takepū (applied principles) of Kaitiakitanga, Koha, Āhurutanga, and Mauri ora guiding our actions.

We are the kaitiaki of Rangahau and its subsequent mātauranga. Our relationship with Rangahau is that of a custodian to protect and sustain for future generations. We prioritise projects that contribute to the mauri ora of the Taiao. We collaborate with whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori Māori, kairangahau outside of the Wānanga with the same values as us and kaimahi across Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to inspire and foster educational excellence through Rangahau.

Contributions of consequence are at the heart of our dissemination philosophy. We find creative and fresh ways to share knowledge that are accessible and of use to communities. Te Manawahoukura is committed to collaboration. Building whanaungatanga internationally and nationally through funding agencies, whare wānanga, universities, iwi, whānau, and hapū is a key focus. Our collaborations are built on genuine relationships and reciprocity. Te Manawahoukura is committed to context-rich and praxis-oriented Rangahau that contributes to transformative outcomes for communities. We advocate for just outcomes for our communities.

We are mana affirming in our work. Te Manawahoukura is a kāinga for kaiako and kaimahi at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to engage in Rangahau that reflects our collective values. We embody the concept of Āta in our Rangahau to ensure that we are reflective, considered, and mindful. Embodying Āta will protect the ethical integrity of our mahi. We apply the Kaupapa Rangahau methodological model to our Rangahau projects at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to align with the heart of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

Mauri Ora
We value and validate all bodies of knowledge that have the capacity to bring about transformation for whānau. All worldviews have mana and tapu. We invest in kaiako, kaimahi and tauira at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to continually enhance educational excellence through Rangahau. We are strategic with our revenue opportunities to enable us to transform our whānau and communities. We build national and international relationships to support these transformative outcomes.