Hot off the Press
Te Maru o Hine:
A Kaupapa Māori Theory of Change for addressing sexual harassment against wāhine through tāne allyship in the construction and infrastructure industries.
Authored by Dr Joni Angeli-Gordon
Funded & Published by conCOVE Tūhura
Journal Article:
Summary Report
Full Report
Angeli-Gordon, J. M. (2024). Whakapapa, mauritau, and placefulness to decolonise Indigenous minds. Genealogy 8(4), 124; https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy8040124
Recently Published
Daellenbach, S., Dixon, L., Anderson, J., Nisa-Waller, A., Lockwood, S., & Neely, E. (2024). Partnership in a hospital setting: Consumer perspectives of hospital midwifery care in Aotearoa. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 60, Article 246001. https://doi.org/10.12784/nzcomjnl.246001
Indigenous Collaborations in the World of Music
Hōkioi me te Vwōhali
A collaborative project about the whakapapa between the Hōkioi (Haast Eagle (NZ) ext. 1400) and the Vwōhali (Golden Eagle, Cherokee). This work connects two peoples, two nations, two countries and two dance companies from either sides of the world, to celebrate the lives of these two illustrious birds.
Maree Sheehan is credited with sound design and music composition (Hōkioi -Tuakana).
>>> Visit HERE to learn more about this kaupapa.
Indigenous Collaboration
A collaborative project with Chelsea Winstanley (producer, writer, director, and filmmaker) and the Gadaril mob from Australia.
Maree Sheehan is credited in the areas of sound composition and taonga pūoro.
>>> Visit HERE to learn more about this kaupapa.
Journal Articles (2023)
Davidson, E., Hromek, D., Whaitiri, K., & Kiddle, R. (2023). Moving towards placekeeping in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Urban Design, Summer 2023, Issue 167, 33-38. PDF HERE
Tollan, K. J., Ross, M., Mercier, O. R., Elkington, B., Kiddle, R., Thomas, A., & Smeaton, J. (2023). Publication aspirations for a decolonised city: Food security and “re-storytelling.” MAI Journal 12(2), 133-145. https://doi.org/10.20507/MAIJournal.2023.12.2.3
Book Releases
Ngā Kaihanga Uku profiles “a new generation of Muddies” and features TWoA kaiako, Tracy Keith ( Maunga Kura Toi Rauangi - Level 7 | Bachelor Of Māori Art - Rauangi).
For a preview of Ngā Kaihanga Uku - visit HERE