Sabre Puna

Ngāti Kahungunu

DATE: Friday 17 November 1 pm-2 pm


“Ka Katia a Maunga Haruru, Ka Tuwhera a Tangitū 

Ka Katia a Tangitū, Ka Tuwhera a Maunga Haruru” 

Ko Maunga Haruru te maunga 

Ko Tūtira te waiū 

Ko Te Ngarue te awa 

Ko Tangitū te moana 

I te taha tōku Māmā Ko Irene Andrews tōnā ingoa 

Ko Ngai Tātara, Ngāti Kurumokihi, Ngāti Marangatuhetaua, Ngai Tauira, ōku hapū 

I te taha tōku Pāpā Ko John Puna tōnā ingoa  

Ko Ngāti Whakaari, Ngai Te Rūruku ōku hapū 

Ko Tāngoio te marae  

Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te Iwi 

Ko Takitimu te Waka 

Ko Sabré Te Rina Puna ahau 

Mauri Ora ki a tatou

Ko wai au?

I started working for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2012 as a L4 Kaiako Rongoā for the then 18-week Certificate in Rongoā Appreciation Course in Tokoroa. When the new 36-week L4 Certificate in Rongoā and L5 Diploma in Rongoā was developed and approved in 2018 to be delivered in 2019, I then became L5 Kaiako Rongoā teaching in Rotorua 2019 whilst Tokoroa retained their L4 Certificate in Rongoā delivery.  

I have over 30 years of knowledge and practical experience in Traditional Māori Healing and Rongoā Māori Practices and have many peers that I attribute my knowledge and experiences to. Most have now passed leaving only a few. Thankfully, I have been very lucky that my foundations of mātauranga Māori, mātauranga rongoā stem from my own whanau, koroua me ngā kuia ki tōku marae. Our operational whare oranga was called Te Huarahi o te Ora ki Ahuriri in Napier and over the years we also had accumulated many wānanga ā motu with other whare oranga forming enduring relationships.   

I am a daughter, a mother and a grandmother of four mokopuna. I have returned home and I hope to introduce myself to our community of education.  

Nā Sabrè    

Closing comments 

  • Advocate for sustainable environmental strategies that encompass cultural and scientific methodologies working side by side 

  • Advocate for the protection of Cultural Intellectual Property Rights 

  • Business management 

  • Strategic planning 

  • Rangahau and Research 

  • Over 30 years of knowledge and practical experience in Māori Traditional Healing and Rongoā Māori Practices