Tuhourangi, Ngāti Whanaunga

DATE: Friday 1 September, 1 pm-2 pm

Māori and Indigenous Philosophy - Revitalisation Within a Colonised Reality 

Carl is a Professor of Māori and Indigenous Studies in Aotahi, University of Canterbury. He has authored books as well as several articles and chapters relating to Māori and Indigenous philosophies of (colonised) existence. His area of expertise is in Māori and Indigenous metaphysics and ontologies, and the overlap of those with colonisation, research and thought.

He was Adjunct Professor at RMIT and is involved in international philosophy projects funded by the Swedish Research Council, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada. He is also Co-Lead (Maori and Pasifika thought) for an M.I.T (USA) convened Graduate Super-Seminar on Global South Cosmologies and Epistemologies.

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