Te Manawahoukura is a newly established Rangahau Centre at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
OUR AIM: to reinvigorate a culture of Rangahau by focusing on Indigenous inquiry and honouring Māori ways of knowing, doing, and being.
Te Manawahoukura
Reclaiming Rangahau as a treasured knowledge
to foster prosperity within a Wānanga context.
Te Whakapapa o Te Manawahoukura
manawa, hou, kura, and houkura:
Manawa: a) Manawa given to Tikiāhua b) heart c) breath
Hou: to bind, to enter, to make peace, new/renew, sound
Kura: treasure, knowledge, e.g kura huna – important knowledge.
Houkura: to be prosperous, peaceful, undisturbed, intact
Supporting Te Manawahoukura is a team of dedicated kaimahi, each with varying degrees of knowledge, skill, experience, and expertise across a diverse range of kaupapa.
Te Manawahoukura hosting Hui Taumata Rangahau 2024 (Photo Credit: Jo Mohi)
Te Manawahoukura has established nine communities of practice centred around Manawa Rangahau. Kaimahi across Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and our honorary Kairangahau community can be supported to engage with those of like-minded interests. Each Manawa will have a hapori lead who guides and supports. Visit our Manawa Rangahau - Communities of Practice to find out more.